The ILE Difference
Independent Living Experience (ILE) is a customized support service for adults with disabilities. Focusing on the areas of Employment, Independent Living, and Social Skills, ILE services are 100% community-based and individualized to each client. At ILE, we understand the importance of providing quality supports that both our clients and their families deserve. Our innovative, community-based service model for adults, with varying exceptionalities, provides customizable supports based on the client’s needs and their desire for independence.
A flexibile model providing you a bank of service hours across areas of:
ILE: Your Go-To Virtual Support for Independence
A simple, easy way to bring the supports you need at your convenience.
Routine Check-ins. Household Management. Community Integration. Career Search. Job Coaching. Meal Planning. Health. Budget development. Financial Literacy.
Many adults get bogged down with seemingly simple tasks that can easily derail one’s success of independence. The goal of ILE is to provide adults with disabilities, and their families, virtual supports in the areas of life that are most important.